
Protecting the Archival Heritage of Emilia-Romagna

An event in collaboration with SOS Archivi on the archival heritage endangered by flooding

June 27th, 2024 from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

@ Municipal Library of Castel Bolognese, Piazzale Poggi, 6, 48014, Castel Bolognese (RA), Italy


SOS Heritage is thrilled to announce an unmissable event dedicated to the preservation of the documentary heritage of Emilia-Romagna. This significant gathering will take place on the 27th of June in Castel Bolognese, as part of the SOS Heritage project.

Emilia-Romagna, a region rich in history and culture, is also one of the areas most vulnerable to disasters that can threaten its valuable archival heritage. With the goal of raising awareness and educating the community about the protection and conservation of historical documents, SOS Heritage is committed to providing essential tools and knowledge to tackle these challenges.

The event will feature leading experts in the field who will share their experiences and successful strategies for emergency management.

The programme

In addition to presentations, the event will include a hands-on training session, where participants can learn intervention techniques and best practices to protect their archives.

We are excited to organize this event as part of the SOS Heritage project,” says Massimo Cruciotti, Legal Representative of SOS Heritage. “Protecting our documentary heritage is a collective responsibility, and we hope that through these initiatives, we can make significant strides in safeguarding our history and culture.

The SOS Heritage project is a vital initiative aimed at creating a support and knowledge network for Italian archival institutions. Through the sharing of resources, training, and consultancy, the project aims to strengthen the resilience of local communities in the face of critical events.

The event is open to all professionals in the archival sector, students, researchers, and history enthusiasts.

For more information, including the complete program and updates, please visit the SOS Archivi website or email comunicazione@sosarchivi.it.

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